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Lavender-scented strawberry jam

300.0 min.
🍽 10

Very tasty lavender-scented strawberry jam.

To cook 3 liters of lavender-scented strawberry jam, you will need:

2 kg. strawberries

1 kg. jam sugar

10 short sprigs of lavender flowers

We are preparing lavender-scented sugar:

We tie the sprigs of lavender petals into a bouquet. We put it in a pot and cover it with jam sugar, cover it and let it stand for at least two hours, and preferably overnight.

We cook strawberry-lavender jam:

We wash the strawberries clean, dry them, if they are bigger, cut them into slices or simply cut them in half, put them in a pot with a thick bottom, in which we will cook the jam. We put the pot on medium heat. We heat until it boils, stirring every now and then. When the berries have boiled, we turn them for another 3-5 minutes. Stirring constantly, pour in the prepared lavender-scented jam sugar (don't add lavender bouquets to the jam!). After pouring the jam sugar, heat the jam for 15 minutes, stirring constantly. We skim off the resulting white foam on top. We put the lavender bouquet, which we covered with sugar, on the edge of the pot and cover it with the lid of the pot. (If possible, we try not to dip the rings into the jam). Let it stand for 30 minutes.

We pour strawberry-lavender jam into jars:

After 30 minutes, we boil the strawberry-lavender jam and pour it into clean, warm jars, tightly closing the lids. We place the jars with strawberry-lavender jam on the surface on which the towel is placed, "covering" it with another towel and leave it preferably overnight.

Braškių - levandų uogienė


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